I have made multiple attempts to resolve this issue. I have applied every configuration change to the backup job you mention in your help file but am still getting a E906 error (Media not available). Prior to this it mentions in the log that 'No media found in media pools, or the current media is not idle' The log is listed in the body below. Can you please help ? Thank you for your time!!
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Firestreamer-RM Wrapper started
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Version=2.7.1, build=[Sep 25 2009 18:23:24], processId=12396, threadId=000037D8h
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h] OS x86 ver=5.1.2600 NT "Service Pack 3", comctl=6.0
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h] Service pack=3.0, pszType=Professional, suite=""
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Computer name: [TCPA-HUGCAQOI94]
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] User name: [TCPA-HUGCAQOI94\Administrator]
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Command line: ["C:\Program Files\Cristalink\Firestreamer-RM\FirestreamerRm.exe" /sch /sDelFile:1 /sMediaName:"Media" /sSetName:"DailyBackup" /sEmail /sEmailTo:"kbaker@tuscport.com;headon@tuscport.com" /sEmailCc:"gary@schneidercomputer.com" /sAttF /sEmailHour:8 /sDstFolder:"D:\" /sMediaType:F /ntb backup "@C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\DailyBackup.bks" /J "DailyBackup" /M normal /V:no /R:no /RS:no /HC:on /SNAP:on /L:s]
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Wrapper log: [C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Cristalink\Firestreamer-RM\Logs\FirestreamerRm_000001AC_120504_230005.log]
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] NTBackup log: [C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Cristalink\Firestreamer-RM\Logs\NTBackup_000001AC_120504_230005.log]
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] UTC time: 2012-05-05 03:00:05.394
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D71A0] Checking NTBackup version...
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D71A0] NTBackup file version: 5.1.2600.5512 [000500010A281588h]
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D71A0] /UP option is not supported (NTBackup version required: 000500020ECE00D1h, IsNtbFeatureUP=-1)
12.05.04 23:00:05.410 I [Main 37D8h @003D71A0] Checked NTBackup version
12.05.04 23:00:06.238 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Task summary:
--- Firestreamer-RM Wrapper Parameters ---
Media type: File (/sMediaType:F)
Backup name: "DailyBackup_YYYYMMDD_HHMM" (/sSetName:"DailyBackup")
Media name: "Media_YYYYMMDD_HHMM" (/sMediaName:"Media")
Delete old *.fsrm files: Yes, if older than 1 day(s) (/sDelFile:1)
File media directory: D:\ (/sDstFolder:"D:\")
File media name: D:\Media_YYYYMMDD_HHMM.fsrm
Email notifications: Yes (/sEmail)
--- Email Notification Settings ---
To email(s): kbaker@tuscport.com;headon@tuscport.com (/sEmailTo:"kbaker@tuscport.com;headon@tuscport.com")
Cc email(s) when failed: gary@schneidercomputer.com (/sEmailCc:"gary@schneidercomputer.com")
Subject prefix: "Backup notification"
Attach logs when failed: Yes (/sAttF)
Attach logs when succeeded: No
Notify if runs for too long: Yes, after 8 hour(s) (/sEmailHour:8)
--- NTBackup Parameters ---
Item to back up: @C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\DailyBackup.bks
Backup type: Normal (/M normal)
Job name: "DailyBackup" (/J "DailyBackup")
Log file: Summary (/L:s)
Verify: No (/V:no)
Restrict access: No (/R:no)
Remote Storage: No (/RS:no)
Compression: Yes (/HC:on)
Volume shadow copy: Yes (/SNAP:on)
12.05.04 23:00:06.269 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Maximum file media age, days: 1; cutoff time, UTC: 2012-05-04 03:00:06.269
12.05.04 23:00:06.269 I [Main 37D8h] Scanning [D:\*.fsrm]...
12.05.04 23:00:06.269 I [Main 37D8h] *.fsrm files scanned: 0, deleted: 0, failed to delete: 0
12.05.04 23:00:06.269 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Opening virtual tape drive...
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Main 37D8h] Found device [\\?\root#nrdvdstore#0000#{fad14685-99b6-478d-9952-548e02831637}]
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Opened virtual tape drive
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Activity] Initializing Activity monitor...
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Activity] Thread created, tid=00002D98h
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Activity] Thread started, tid=00002D98h
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Activity] Wait for thread complete, to=FFFFFFFFh, started=1
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Activity] Initialized Activity monitor
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] File media name: [D:\Media_20120504_2300.fsrm]
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enabled media type: 00000008h
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Delaying for, msec: 10000
12.05.04 23:00:06.285 I [Activity] New file media name: (D:\Media_20120504_2300.fsrm)
12.05.04 23:00:06.301 I [Activity] Drive disconnected (D:)
12.05.04 23:00:10.864 I [Activity] Medium inserted - File, blank (D:\Media_20120504_2300.fsrm)
12.05.04 23:00:10.864 I [Activity] Drive connected (D:\Media_20120504_2300.fsrm)
12.05.04 23:00:16.287 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Delay done
12.05.04 23:00:16.287 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Opening Removable Storage, timeout=300
12.05.04 23:00:16.302 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Opened Removable Storage
12.05.04 23:00:16.302 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Locating virtual tape drive in Removable Storage...
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h] Enumerated drive (Drive, st=Ready, name=[Drive 0], descr=[JLMS DVD-ROM XJ-HD166], created=2010-09-17 18:11:51.930, id={E38149D0-7E3B-4080-8029-775AD73D368B},| number=0, st=Dismounted, rev=[DD05], devName=[\\.\CdRom0], mountCnt=0, deferDismountDelay=300)
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h] Enumerated drive (Drive, st=Ready, name=[Drive 0], descr=[SONY CD-RW CRX216E], created=2010-09-17 18:11:52.071, id={434B29D4-1CCD-4B14-B262-C5D4FF8B3571},| number=0, st=Dismounted, rev=[PD01], devName=[\\.\CdRom1], mountCnt=0, deferDismountDelay=300)
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h] Enumerated drive (Drive, st=Ready, name=[Drive 0], descr=[Firestreamer-RM Drive], created=2010-09-17 18:12:01.899, id={C6FD6731-A90C-4625-BE4A-EA11637E8439},| number=0, st=Dismounted, rev=[271 ], devName=[\\.\Tape0], mountCnt=858, deferDismountDelay=300)
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found drive [\\.\Tape0], driveId={C6FD6731-A90C-4625-BE4A-EA11637E8439}, libId={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191}
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Configuring Removable Storage...
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Configured Removable Storage
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h @003D71A0] Deleting dummy media...
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h @003D71A0] Deallocating dummy logical media {77296B00-481A-4B22-B7E7-E04DCE8D9A90}
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h @003D71A0] Dummy logical media not found
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h @003D71A0] Deleting dummy physical media {CCB2E03E-BA16-40B6-9B38-DCDAD832F661}
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h @003D71A0] Dummy physical media not found
12.05.04 23:00:16.318 I [Main 37D8h] Looking for IBM-3480 media type...
12.05.04 23:00:16.349 I [Main 37D8h] Found IBM-3480 media type, id={03A6AA39-D491-41C0-B913-71A92EF9357D}
12.05.04 23:00:16.349 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerating MediaPool objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.349 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found pool, type=Free, id={75927917-C443-419B-A364-03B20FF1D4F2}
12.05.04 23:00:16.349 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found pool, type=Import, id={5DA35D73-6817-4C06-B28F-7F7321339B2C}
12.05.04 23:00:16.349 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found pool, type=Unrecognized, id={C5BE3F92-A598-46A9-B70C-7095E2FB3094}
12.05.04 23:00:16.349 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found pool, type=Application, id={99E14FA0-36AF-4874-B432-91B8ECB25B28}
12.05.04 23:00:16.349 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found pool, type=Free/IBM-3480, id={12E10ABD-E2CF-4178-AD9C-CCCDA89B685F}
12.05.04 23:00:16.349 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found pool, type=Import/IBM-3480, id={DBEA3F25-7D49-4213-845D-5A3443D6A980}
12.05.04 23:00:16.349 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found pool, type=Unrecognized/IBM-3480, id={9F2F0EC8-053D-46A1-9713-15EC022A731D}
12.05.04 23:00:16.365 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found pool, type=Application/IBM-3480, id={22B874F4-C5EB-4587-B59E-C6EAFCA6C0B1}
12.05.04 23:00:16.365 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerated MediaPool objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.365 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerating Library objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.365 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found off-line media library: (Library, st=Ready, name=[Off-line Media], created=2010-09-17 18:11:51.492, id={67E339BC-039C-4E95-88C5-C52476140C4E},| type=Offline)
12.05.04 23:00:16.365 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerated Library objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.365 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerating LibraryRequest objects, parent={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191}
12.05.04 23:00:16.381 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerated LibraryRequest objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.381 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerating OperatorRequest objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.381 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerated OperatorRequest objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.381 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerating Partition objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.506 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerated Partition objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.506 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerating LogicalMedia objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.678 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerated LogicalMedia objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.678 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerating Partition objects, parent={22B874F4-C5EB-4587-B59E-C6EAFCA6C0B1}
12.05.04 23:00:16.771 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerated Partition objects
12.05.04 23:00:16.771 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Delaying for, msec: 60000
12.05.04 23:00:20.788 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY+: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Inventory], created=2012-05-05 03:00:20.475, id={5138DB7F-9A41-4A02-80F4-D0494C8F709E},| op=Inventory, st=BeingProcessed, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:00:20.475, app=[Removable Storage], usr=[SYSTEM], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:00:20.788 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY*: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Inventory], created=2012-05-05 03:00:20.475, id={5138DB7F-9A41-4A02-80F4-D0494C8F709E},| op=Inventory, st=BeingProcessed, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:00:20.475, app=[Removable Storage], usr=[SYSTEM], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:00:21.303 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY+: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Identify Media], created=2012-05-05 03:00:20.756, id={0AAC82BB-4716-449A-B861-9EEDEFA65440},| op=ProcessOMID, st=BeingProcessed, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:00:20.756, app=[Removable Storage], usr=[SYSTEM], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:00:21.303 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY*: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Inventory], created=2012-05-05 03:00:20.475, id={5138DB7F-9A41-4A02-80F4-D0494C8F709E},| op=Inventory, st=Succeeded, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:00:20.475, completed=2012-05-05 03:00:20.928, app=[Removable Storage], usr=[SYSTEM], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:00:21.303 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY*: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Identify Media], created=2012-05-05 03:00:20.756, id={0AAC82BB-4716-449A-B861-9EEDEFA65440},| op=ProcessOMID, st=BeingProcessed, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:00:20.756, app=[Removable Storage], usr=[SYSTEM], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:00:21.803 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY*: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Identify Media], created=2012-05-05 03:00:20.756, id={0AAC82BB-4716-449A-B861-9EEDEFA65440},| op=ProcessOMID, st=Succeeded, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:00:20.756, completed=2012-05-05 03:00:21.303, app=[Removable Storage], usr=[SYSTEM], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:01:21.830 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Delay done
12.05.04 23:01:21.830 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerating PhysicalMedia objects, parent={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191}
12.05.04 23:01:21.830 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Enumerated PhysicalMedia objects
12.05.04 23:01:21.830 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Delaying for, msec: 40000
12.05.04 23:02:01.837 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Delay done
12.05.04 23:02:01.837 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Querying media info, timeout=120000
12.05.04 23:02:01.837 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Found media in [D:\Media_20120504_2300.fsrm], type: [File, blank], capacity/remaining: 7.99 TB/7.99 TB, encryption: Not encrypted, device: [D:\Media_20120504_2300.fsrm]
12.05.04 23:02:01.837 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Checking new drive for available media, drive=[D:\Media_20120504_2300.fsrm]
12.05.04 23:02:01.837 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Inventorying Removable Storage library...
12.05.04 23:02:01.978 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Delaying for, msec: 40000
12.05.04 23:02:01.978 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY+: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Inventory], created=2012-05-05 03:02:01.837, id={3CCC8B54-7255-45EE-BEB0-AA1C0F7BF45C},| op=Inventory, st=Queued, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:02:01.837, app=[Firestreamer-RM Wrapper], usr=[Administrator], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:02:02.478 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY*: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Inventory], created=2012-05-05 03:02:01.837, id={3CCC8B54-7255-45EE-BEB0-AA1C0F7BF45C},| op=Inventory, st=BeingProcessed, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:02:01.837, app=[Firestreamer-RM Wrapper], usr=[Administrator], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:02:02.478 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY- LibraryRequest: {E656D3FF-CD7C-4451-8894-5810ADE731BC}
12.05.04 23:02:02.478 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY- LibraryRequest: {6EBB5A9E-617A-40A7-B10E-DD29D6C55D57}
12.05.04 23:02:02.478 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY+: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Identify Media], created=2012-05-05 03:02:02.118, id={B058F592-1D3C-4F76-8B37-85977C9B74A0},| op=ProcessOMID, st=Queued, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:02:02.118, app=[Removable Storage], usr=[SYSTEM], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:02:02.978 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY*: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Inventory], created=2012-05-05 03:02:01.837, id={3CCC8B54-7255-45EE-BEB0-AA1C0F7BF45C},| op=Inventory, st=Succeeded, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:02:01.837, completed=2012-05-05 03:02:02.462, app=[Firestreamer-RM Wrapper], usr=[Administrator], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:02:02.978 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY*: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Identify Media], created=2012-05-05 03:02:02.118, id={B058F592-1D3C-4F76-8B37-85977C9B74A0},| op=ProcessOMID, st=Succeeded, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:02:02.118, completed=2012-05-05 03:02:02.775, app=[Removable Storage], usr=[SYSTEM], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:02:02.978 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] RSNTFY*: (LibraryRequest, st=Ready, name=[Identify Media], created=2012-05-05 03:02:02.118, id={B058F592-1D3C-4F76-8B37-85977C9B74A0},| op=ProcessOMID, st=Succeeded, err=0, queued=2012-05-05 03:02:02.118, completed=2012-05-05 03:02:02.775, app=[Removable Storage], usr=[SYSTEM], lib={3586B0F9-4116-4B7E-A9C9-B6661D31A191})
12.05.04 23:02:42.985 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Delay done
12.05.04 23:02:42.985 E [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] No media found in media pools, or the current media is not idle [c:\sw\fsrm\projects\controlpanel\scheduler.cpp] 1272
12.05.04 23:02:42.985 E [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Backup task failed [c:\sw\fsrm\projects\controlpanel\scheduler.cpp] 853
12.05.04 23:02:42.985 E [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] E906: Media not available.
12.05.04 23:02:42.985 I [Main 37D8h @003D7F68] Final task status:
User name: TCPA-HUGCAQOI94\Administrator
Backup task: DailyBackup
Status: **FAILED**
Started at: Friday, May 04, 2012 11:00:05 PM (5/5/2012 3:00:05 AM UTC)
Ended at: Friday, May 04, 2012 11:02:42 PM (5/5/2012 3:02:42 AM UTC)
Duration: 2 min 38 sec
E906: Media not available.
E906 error (No media found in media pools/media is not idle)
I assume that your configuration worked fine for some time. Please try the following steps:
- Reset the RSM database, as described at http://www.cristalink.com/fsrm/hh.aspx? ... sm#corrupt ("How do I fix a corrupted Removable Storage database").
- Open then close Microsoft Backup (NTBackup) once.
- Disable all RSM libraries, except of Firestreamer Tape Drive, as described at
http://www.cristalink.com/fsrm/hh.aspx? ... sm#disable ("How do I disable unused Removable Storage libraries"). - Run the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper backup task again.
Best regards,
John Smith
Cristalink Support
John Smith
Cristalink Support