Anyway to automate the reuse of tapes?

The technical support forum for Firestreamer (the virtual tape library).
Posts: 1
Joined: 18 Apr 2013, 15:47

Post by alaskan »

Hello, forgive me if this has already been asked, I did a search but did not turn up any results.

Basically I have two 3TB volumes I use with Firestreamer as our VTL library's.
Once the tapes in one fill up I'd like for Firestreamer to use the other and when that files up go back to the previous and use it.
Is there a way to automate the process to wipe/erase those older tapes so they can be reused?
We only need to keep the data for 3-6 months so I'm not looking for long term storage.

thanks in advance.
Cristalink Support
Posts: 300
Joined: 29 Aug 2010, 09:03

Post by jsf »

You can write a sript to mark old tapes as free; DPM should then reuse them. See, for example, ... 99673.aspx
Best regards,
John Smith
Cristalink Support