Backuping up on more tapes than necessary

The technical support forum for Firestreamer (the virtual tape library).
Posts: 1
Joined: 07 Dec 2011, 16:48

Post by kwoodfin »

I have a couple of questions about backing up to to a virtual tape environment. I created one protection plan to backup three SQL databases. It copied one database to one tape using approximately 900 MBs of data. DPM then kicked back an error indicating no tapes were available. I was simply testing DPM and Firestreamer. I had to load another tape into the library and then the final two databases backed-up to one tape totaling 2.31 MBs. Why didn't the system write all three backups to one tape? I need to backup roughly 100 databases, and I am concerned it will backup the databases on more tapes than necessary. Obviously the tapes are virtual, so it does not cost anything extra. I have not tried backuping up our 2 TBs of user files yet, and I am concerned it will do the same thing with files and need a huge number of tapes.

Cristalink Support
Posts: 300
Joined: 29 Aug 2010, 09:03

Post by jsf »

That's how Microsoft DPM works. It has nothing to do with Firestreamer. You need to contact Microsoft Support to get an answer to your question. My guess, you need to enable data co-location in Microsoft DPM.
Best regards,
John Smith
Cristalink Support