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Media Map

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A media map describes the media layout and consists of zero or more lines of text. Each line defines a single medium and has the following format:

element The type of the changer element the medium is located in. The allowed values are S for a storage slot (recommended), or D for a tape drive. For more information, see Basic Concepts.
number The number of the changer element the medium is located in. We recommend that you use * (asterisk) to have Firestreamer automatically assign an available element number. Otherwise, you can specify a decimal number from 1 up to the number of changer elements of the given type. You cannot use both * and numbers in the same media map. For more information, see Basic Concepts.
barcode The bar code of the medium. We recommend that you leave this field blank to have Firestreamer automatically associate an appropriate bar code with the medium. For more information, see Bar Codes.
mediumType The type of the medium. The allowed values are file for a file medium, or drive for a drive medium. For more information, see Basic Concepts.
mediumName The name of the medium. The length of the entire name is limited to 2000 characters, including the mediumType prefix. For more information, see File Media and Drive Media.
*RO If specified, indicates that the medium is to be opened in read only mode.
maxSize If specified, indicates the maximum size of the file medium in megabytes as a decimal number. For more information, see File Media.
reserved Reserved for system use. Leave this field blank.

We recommend that your media map files have the .fsmap file name extension.


Below are examples of media maps.

; This is a comment.
|; line #1
|; line #2
|; line #3
|; line #4
|; line #5
|; line #6

The above media map defines six mediums loaded into automatically allocated storage slots:

  • #1 is a file medium on a disk drive, with the default bar code of MYTAPE_0001 and the default maximum size of 8 TB.
  • #2 is a file medium on a network share, with the default bar code of MYTAPE_0002 and the maximum size of 1 GB.
  • #3 is a read-only file medium on a disk drive, with the default bar code of MYTAPE_0003.
  • #4 is a drive medium with a default bar code, accessed by the drive letter G:.
  • #5 is a read-only drive medium with a default bar code, accessed by the drive letter F:.
  • #6 is a drive medium with a default bar code, accessed by the volume name.
; This is a media map in which the changer element and bar code
fields contain values that are not recommended.
|; line #1
|; line #2
|; line #3

The above media map defines three pieces of media, with two of them loaded into storage slots 1 and 5, and the third medium loaded into tape drive 2. The drive medium loaded into storage slot 5 has the explicitly specified bar code of CUSTOM_BARCODE. The file medium loaded into tape drive 2 has the explicitly specified empty bar code.


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